Bogotá and North Bogotá

Home 9 Bogotá and North Bogotá


For many travelers, the journey in Colombia begins at El Dorado airport, 15km from the capital Bogotá. Check here for handy information on arrival and departure at El Dorado airport. Colombia’s capital is worth spending a few days in transit, or during a short city break. It is an interesting mix of traditional and trendy. So you can stroll through the historic city center, or take a graffiti tour do. Leaving the city, you are soon in nature. The landscape is diverse with waterfalls, canyons and páramo high in the Andes Mountains. The regions of Boyacá and Santander, are known for their beautiful colonial towns. The area near the Cañon de Chicamocha, is a valhalla for outdoor sports enthusiasts.


  • Visit one of Bogotá’s top museums, such as the Gold Museum
  • Try authentic and modern dishes in foodie city of Bogotá
  • Go for a day of shopping in one of the modern malls
  • Taste the atmosphere of yesteryear in the colonial “pearls” of Colombia: Barichara and Villa de Leyva
  • Take a day trip to the salt cathedral of Zipaquirá and Lake Guatavita
  • Go hiking in the national parks Chingaza National park and El Cocuy National park
  • Go paragliding over the Cañon de Chicamocha, or book another adventure activity in San Gil
  • Take a hike to the Páramo de Ocetá, from the authentic village of Monguí

Make your choice

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