Home 9 Medellin Reiseführer 9 Einkaufen in Medellín

Shopping in Medellín can be done in large luxury shopping centers, more intimate “green” malls and all kinds of specialized stores in el Centro. Two of the largest shopping malls, Viva Envigado and Mayorca Mega Plaza, are located in Envigado and in Sabaneta. Despite their location outside Medellín’s tourist center, these malls are easily accessible by subway. Some of the larger malls are also located in El Poblado and Laureles. Read on  for our shopping tips and for a list of the best shopping malls in Medellín.

5 Einkaufstipps

1) Do you like large, upscale shopping malls?
Then check out the shopping malls in El Poblado like Santafé or Viva in Envigado

2) Would you prefer a smaller, intimate mall, where you can shop “green?”
Then Oviedo is probably more your thing. “Drive-thru” and dog friendly Oviedo is a beautiful mall. Everywhere you look you see plants! Besides stores of famous brands, you will find beautiful interior and antique shops and nice coffee shops. You can even read a book while chilling on a comfortable couch. Oviedo is located opposite Santafé on Avenida el Poblado and is easily recognised by the red “apple”!

3) Are you more of a bargain hunter?
Then shop at Mayorca Mega Plaza in Sabaneta or at Palacio Nacional in el Centro.

4) Eating in a food court with a view?
Then order your food in Santafé’s food court and grab a table on the terrace overlooking the city.

5) Do you need new glasses?
Then head to Centro Comercial Colombia Optico in el Centro. In this mall you will find numerous opticians and eyewear stores for a consultation. (Eye measurement and comprehensive eyewear advice) We paid COP30,000/$7.50 for this consultation and COP130,000/$32.50 for a pair of (monofocal) glasses, which were ready the same day. The service in this mall was top notch! Tip: el Centro is crowded and chaotic. If you shop here, pay extra close attention to your belongings.

Read on quickly for more info on the shopping malls and how to get there.


Größtes Einkaufszentrum in Kolumbien

  • Standort: Envigado
  • U-Bahn-Station Envigado (Linie A) + 5 Min. Fußweg
  • Exito “Wow” Geschäft, Homecenter
  • Großer Viva Spielpark
  • Website: Viva Envigado



Für die besten Schnäppchen

  • Standort: Sabaneta
  • U-Bahn-Station Itagüí (Linie A). Über die Fußgängerbrücke zum Einkaufszentrum
  • Verkaufsstellen
  • Exito Supermarkt, Flamingo und Home Sentry
  • Happy City für die Kinder
  • Website: Mayorca Mega Plaza


Einkaufen mit Aussicht

  • Standort: El Poblado
  • U-Bahn-Station El Poblado (Linie A) + Taxi 15 Min.
  • Mirador mit Aussicht
  • Carulla Supermarkt
  • Spielpark und Vergnügungspark Afterland
  • Website: El Tesoro


Im Herzen der Stadt

  • Standort: Laureles
  • Metrostation Industriales (Linie A) + Taxi (10 Min.) oder: Metroplús-Bus bis Station Fatima + 10 Min. Fußweg
  • Exito
  • Happyland Spielpark
  • Website: Unicentro


Einkaufen mit Stil

  • Standort: El Poblado
  • U-Bahn-Station Aguacatala (Linie A) + 15 Min. Fußweg
  • Jumbo-Supermarkt
  • Kaufhaus Falabella
  • I-shop (Apple Store)
  • Schöne Außenterrasse am Food Court, mit Blick auf Medellín
  • Happy City und Extreme Zone
  • Website: Santafé


Schnäppchenjagd im alten Justizpalast

  • Standort: El Centro
  • U-Bahn-Stationen Parque Berrio, San Antonio (Linie A) + 3-4 Min. Fußweg
  • Kein hochmodernes Einkaufszentrum wie die anderen Einkaufszentren. Sie gehen hier vor allem wegen der Architektur und der Atmosphäre hin
  • Mehr als 200 preisgünstige Geschäfte, vor allem mit Kleidung und Schuhen