Food and drink Colombia
Here you will find information about the most delicious food and drink in Colombia, typical Colombian food, street food and comfort food and an overview of the different regions with their own traditional dishes and culinary specialties. After all, there is a lot to enjoy in the culinary field! For a long time in the shadow of popular neighboring countries such as Peru, but in recent years Colombia is on the rise and more and more people are discovering, that you can eat delicious and varied food in Colombia. Here you check the best food tours in Colombia.
Top chefs
Top chefs from abroad are also discovering Colombia. In November 2019, Bogotá had the premiere of the first Latin American edition of a top-level cooking event, the Bogotá Madrid Fusión.
Fruit and vegetables
More and more chefs are creating traditional dishes with a modern twist and using the country’s many fresh produce options. There is an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy products, coffee, chocolate, fish and bananas. Common vegetables include corn, yuca (cassava), potato, el ñame (type of potato), plantain and avocado. From the many fresh fruits, smoothies like guanábana (soursop), maracuyá (passion fruit), mora (blackberries) and papaya are liked to be made.
Meat and chicken take center stage
In Colombian cuisine, the vegetables on your board often consist of nothing more than a little lettuce, a slice of avocado, some beans or patacones (banana cookies). Beef, pork, as well as chicken and sausage are liked and widely eaten and used in soups such as the popular Sancocho, comida corriente (lunch of the day) and, of course, the Bandeja Paisa, Colombia’s signature dish. In regions such as the Caribbean coast, Pacific and the Amazon, fresh fish takes center stage.
Vegetarian food
Colombian cuisine is not known for its many vegetarian dishes, but there are some tasty options. For example, some restaurants have stuffed Patacon on the menu. For stuffed Patacon, a “banana cake” is filled with vegetables and cheese and baked in the oven.
Fortunately, throughout Colombia there is a large selection of fresh fruit, for breakfast and in between snacks, such as the mango biche, mango strips with salt. Savory vegetarian snacks, are also plentiful, such as empanadas and arepas with cheese.
Want to know what traditional food and street food you can get in Colombia? Then check your favorite region here.