Frequently asked questions about Cali, Colombia

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Cali. What about safety? What is the weather like? What is the best time to travel? Is Cali expensive and how many days will it take you to see everything? If you don’t find your question among the frequently asked questions, feel free to get in touch!


Frequently asked questions about Cali

Is Cali safe?

Cali has a reputation for being one of Colombia’s more dangerous cities, but crime has gone down in recent years. Still, it is important to be careful. Leave your gold jewelry at home and take as few valuables as possible. If you take a cab, have the hotel call one for you or use cabs and never stop a cab on the street. Later in the evening, be careful in the San Antonio area. Don’t go into the poor neighborhoods. The city center is good to visit during the day but not after sunset. Also watch out on Sundays, when it is a lot quieter downtown. At night, avoid the area east of Calle 5 and along the Rio Cali. Avoid the dangerous neighborhoods of Aguablanca, Siloé, Los Chorros and Terron Colorado. Keep a close eye on motorcycles, as thieves often steal from motorcycles.

What is the weather like in Cali?

Cali is located in a valley. It is hot during the day (around 32 degrees) and the sun is bright. From about 5 o’clock on, a refreshing breeze picks up and cools. The temperature is about the same during the year. The average maximum temperature over the year is 33 degrees and the average minimum temperature is 23 degrees. . Funny enough, you see few people wearing sunglasses while our eyes squeeze shut because of the bright sun. A tourist is quickly recognized for wearing sunglasses. December through March have the least rainfall, April and May are the wettest months. An air-conditioned hotel room is definitely recommended!



What is the best time to go to Cali?

Cali can be visited throughout the year. December and January are the best months to visit the city, because of the many festivities surrounding Christmas and New Year, such as the Feria de Cali. In December there is also the annual light show surrounding Christmas. Many parks are illuminated with lights in the shape of animals and plants etc. These are also the busiest (and most expensive) times of the year. Semana Santa (Easter week) and the month of July are also busy in Cali. Also a date to put in your calendar: The Festival Mundial de la Salsa.. At the time of writing this guide, the date of the 2023 festival is not yet known. In 2022, the festival took place from Oct. 26-30.





Is Cali expensive?

Cali is still relatively unknown to many tourists which also makes it not that expensive to stay in the city. Prices in the shopping malls are almost up to European level, though. However, in the neighborhoods and in restaurants “along the road”, on the contrary, much lower. There the price is often 50-70% cheaper than in the malls. Expenses for food and drink are a lot cheaper in Cali than, for example, in Cartagena or Medellín. Going to the hairdresser is nice for COP28,000/€7. Foot and hand care / pedicure idem, a fraction of NL.

How long to stay in Cali?

There is much to see in and around Cali. To see the most beautiful places of Cali and its surroundings, you will need three days. If you want to explore the surroundings of Cali by car, you can easily set aside 5 days for that.

3 days:
In 3 days you have enough time to visit the most famous sights and museums in the historic center and to make trips in the area. You can start with a tour through San Antonio, then you immediately have a nice introduction to the city center. You can also visit San Antonio Park. In the afternoon you can take a cab to Cristo Rey. You will have a beautiful view of the city. On day 2 you can visit the Ciudad Jardin district in the morning and experience the big difference between rich and poor. In the afternoon you can take a cab to Alto Pance to experience the real Colombian family feeling and have a swim in the river. On day 3 you can go to KM 18. The neighborhood is so big and beautiful that you can certainly spend a whole day driving through the mountains and stopping at a roadside restaurant to taste authentic Colombian food.

5 days:
With two extra days you can rent a car and go to the villages around Cali. On day 4 you can go to Lago Calima and Buga (beautiful churches and old buildings). On the last day you can go to colorful Salento and the beautiful Montenegro amusement park. All beautiful locations surrounded with lots of mountains, coffee plantations and green nature. Definitely worth seeing! )





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