In this travel guide Barranquilla you will find everything you need to know for your trip to Barranquilla: what are the best neighborhoods to stay in, what to do, where to go carnival celebrate carnival, what about safety and other practical information. You can read it here.
The golden gate of Colombia
Barranquilla, with 1.2 million inhabitants, is the 4th largest city in Colombia. The city on the Caribbean coast is located on the Magdalena River and has the largest port in Colombia. Due to its strategic location, Barranquilla is also known as the Puerta de Oro (Golden Gate).
2nd Largest Carnival in the World
Most people know Barranquilla for its carnival, the largest carnival in the world after Rio de Janeiro. Barranquilla does not have the tourist attractions of Cartagena, or the beaches of Santa Marta, yet the city has enough to do to keep you entertained for a few days, even if you don’t come for the carnival. For example, there are excellent restaurants and lively bars and interesting museums. In 2020, Barranquilla won the World Travel Award for best new cultural destination in South America. If you are not in Barranquilla during carnival, at least visit the carnival museum to get into the carnival atmosphere!
Shopping city for every budget
The modern shopping malls in Barranquilla, are generally a lot kinder to your wallet than the more touristy cities like Cartagena (and Medellín and Bogotá).
Do you want to visit this lively city? Then check out our Barranquilla travel guide here with handy tips & tricks for your trip to Barranquilla!