What is the best time to travel to San Agustín? Here are tips + suggestions about the climate and about the number of days you need to explore San Agustín.
San Agustín can be visited year-round. Most rain falls in the rainy season, from September through November. The best time to travel to San Agustín is December through February and July and August.
How many days?
1 day
If you are only in San Agustín for 1 day, we recommend that you at least visit the archaeological park . You will need about half a day for that. The rest of the day you can stroll around town, look around the central square and taste the local food in one of the restaurants.
2 days or longer
If you have several days, in addition to visiting the archaeological park, you can also visit the more remote archaeological sites. This can be done on horseback or with a jeep tour. These tours are usually combined with a visit to one or more waterfalls. Check here for more ideas for what to do in San Agustín.
Want to know more? Then check out the full travel guide San Agustín with tips on what to do, where to stay, practical information and transportation to San Agustín.