Home 9 Travel Guide-Tayrona-National-Park 9 Best travel time Tayrona National Park

Climate, busy periods and closing dates

What is the best travel time for Tayrona National Park? What is the climate like, what are the busy periods and when is the park closed? Here you can find more information and tips.

  • Most important in your planning: check the park’s closure dates. 3 Times a year Tayrona is closed so that the indigenous groups can perform spiritual rituals and the ecosystem can recover. The closure dates for 2025 are: Feb. 1 to Feb. 15, June 1 to June 15 and Oct. 19 to Nov. 2
  • Tayrona has a hot and humid climate, with an average temperature of 28 degrees Celcius. A humidity of 80% is quite normal in Tayrona! When we did the hike, the humidity was 79% and we noticed it! We were soaked and the humidity was hitting us hard.

  • Because of the heat and crowds, it’s best to get to the park early. Moreover, there is a limited number of visitors allowed per day and you can’t enter after noon.
  • Tayrona is very popular with Colombians and during school vacations, weekends and puentes (long weekends around Colombian holidays) can be very busy. Semana Santa (Easter week) and December/January are particularly busy. If you can, avoid these periods and if you can’t, at least arrive as early as possible. The busiest beach is at Cabo San Juan.
  • You have the best chance of good weather outside the rainy season. The rainy season is May-June and September through November. Still, you can visit Tayrona National Park even during the rainy season. The showers are usually temporary. The downside is that the trails can be muddy in the rainy season.

  • We ourselves went to Tayrona during the rainy season (late September). During our 3-day stay near Tayrona National Park, it rained (long and hard) every afternoon from about 3-4 o’clock. That’s why we started the hike early, so we could get back to the hotel before the showers in the afternoon. Also, in 3 days the power went off 3 times in the evening. In our accommodation Kantawa Eco Spa hotel they quickly switched to a generator, so luckily we were not bothered by this.


Continue reading our Tayrona National Park Travel Guide for more information about beaches, camping, the best places to stay in Tayrona National Park and more. Follow the link for an article about our trip along the North coast which we made from Barranquilla to Santa Marta.