Practical transportation guide in Minca, Colombia

Practical transportation guide in Minca, Colombia

Home 9 Category: Travel Guide Minca ( Page 2 )

How to get to Minca? Here you will find information about all the ways to get to Minca and about transportation in Minca itself.

When planning your trip to Minca, keep in mind that you must travel via Santa Marta. Buses and cabs leave from the market in Santa Marta. Read here how to get to Santa Marta get there.

Santa Marta-Minca by cab
Price around COP50,000/€12.50 (35 min.). You can also arrange private transportation in advance online from Santa Marta to Minca via this link.

Santa Marta-Minca by colectivo bus
Price around COP8000/€2. (45 minutes). Once in Minca, you can take a moto cab to your final destination, unless you are staying in a hotel in or near Minca.

Transportation in Minca

If you walk around Minca, you will notice that the moto cab is the most common means of transportation. The motorcycle can go anywhere and the drivers are adept at getting around potholes in the roads. The moto cabs are easy to book in Minca, e.g. at Motomink. They have fixed prices and we had a good experience booking 2 mototaxis to Finca la Victoria for the coffee tour, where the drivers waited for us, until the tour was over. If you want to book a ride from your hotel, your hotel can also call a mototaxi for you. Hotels usually work with regular drivers they have good experience with. (More expensive) transportation by 4×4 is also possible.

Prices Motomink (See photo: single trip/ September 2023)

  • Cascada Marinka COP15,000/€3.75
  • Pozo azul COP12,000/€3
  • Coffee and cocoa finca La Candelaria COP20,000/€5
  • Coffee inca La Victoria COP15,000/€3.75
  • Hostel Sierra Minca COP30,000/€7.50
  • Mirador Los Pinos COP30,000/€7.50
  • Mundo Nuevo Cop20,000/€5
  • Tierra Adentro COP25,000/€6.25

Want to see several places in one day? Then you can also hire a driver for a half or full day and make it a sightseeing tour. Look here for more info about the tour by mototaxi that we made.

#ToColombia Tips

Tip #1
Minca fits perfectly into a roundtrip along the Caribbean coast
If you are taking a roundtrip, Minca is a fine stop between a hike in Tayrona National Park, a trek to Ciudad Perdida or an off-road trip to La Guajira. Between all this action in tropical temperatures, it’s great to spend a few days relaxing in Minca and breathing in the fresh mountain air. Minca is bursting with fine hostels and hotels where you can completely unwind. Check the link for different itineraries including Minca.

Tip # 2
Check out our complete travel guide on Minca

with tips on what to do in Minca, the best restaurants in Minca, where to stay in Minca and practical information about Minca.

All about Minca in Colombia: what to do and tips

All about Minca in Colombia: what to do and tips

Home 9 Category: Travel Guide Minca ( Page 2 )

About Minca

Minca is located in the Sierra Nevada, 15 kilometers from Santa Marta. The mountain village is surrounded by tropical rainforest, waterfalls, coffee and cocoa plantations. Due to its great biodiversity, Minca has been named a biosphere reserve by UNESCO and the village is also called the “ecological capital” of Colombia. There are many fun things to do and no shortage of atmospheric hotels . The village itself is small, but geared to the tourist with restaurants for every taste. In short: a relaxing place to spend a few nights during a tour of the Caribbean coaste.g. after a trip to Tayrona or Ciudad Perdida.

Everything you want to know about Minca can be found here. Tips for what to do and transportation in Minca, the nicest hotels and hostels, tips for the best restaurants and practical information about Minca.

All about Minca

How to get to Minca / transportation
What to do.
Hotels and hostels
Practical information