How to get to San Agustín?
How to get to San Agustín? Here you will find all the ways of transportation, by bus or by plane.
Whether you travel by bus or by plane, in most cases you have to travel via Pitalito, on an hour’s drive from San Agustín. One option where you travel directly, is the direct bus service from Bogotá.
- Bogotá
From Bogotá there is a direct bus to San Agustín. It is a long ride of 11h; there are also night buses. Departs from the Salitre terminal. Tickets from COP97,000/$24 (Coomotor, Cootranshuila, Taxis Verdes). - From other destinations, the journey is via Pitalito. From Pitalito, you travel on to San Agustín in an hour. Buses run throughout the day and you can buy a ticket starting at COP23,000/$5.50. (Cootranshuila, Cootrans)
- Neiva (Tatacoa) 5h (possibly bus change in Pitalito) from COP58,000/$14. Coomotor, Cootranshuila, Taxis Verdes
- Cali: 8h (via Pitalito), from COP97,000/$24. Expreso Gaitana, Cootranslaboyana
- Popayán: 4h (via Pitalito), from COP58,000/$14, Cootranshuila, Cootranslaboyana. Transipiales, Expreso Gaitana. Note: despite the distance being only 125km, the bus takes 4-5 hours because some roads are unpaved.
- Florencia: 4h (via Pitalito), from COP56,000/$13.50, Cootranslaboyana, Coomotor Florencia
The nearest airport is in Pitalito. A flight from Bogotá to Pitalito takes 1.15h. Prices from $80 Avianca/Satena. From Pitalito, it is a one-hour drive to San Agustín. Furthermore, there are flights to Pitalito from Cali (1h / Satena).
Transportation in the town
There are taxis and minivans and for the archaeological park you can also walk, depending on your location. The other sights further out of town and booking an organized tour can then be convenient so you can combine different attractions. Because of the roads through the mountains, renting a car is more complicated.
Transportation to the archaeological park
Depending on where you stay, you can walk to the park. From the center, it’s about a 45-minute walk. There are also buses (less than COP2,000/$0.50) and you can take a cab for a small COP12,000/$3.
If you want to plan a short trip from Bogotá and not travel further around southern Colombia, then this tour is an option.
Want to know more? Then check out the full travel guide San Agustín with information on what to do, where to stay, best time to travel and practical information about San Agustín.