Practical information about Barranquilla
Here you will find practical information about Barranquilla: useful information about the climate and the best time to travel, how many days do we recommend to stay in Barranquilla, can you use pin, are there supermarkets and what about the safety in Barranquilla.
It is warm year-round in Barranquilla, with an average temperature of over 27 degrees and a maximum temperature of 31-33 degrees. There is high humidity and little wind. You can visit Barranquilla all year round. In the period from November to April there is the most wind. The warmest month is August. Most rain falls between August and December and the least rain falls in January and February. Hotel with air conditioning is not a luxury. We were in Barranquilla in mid-September and the humidity was not too bad. We stayed in Riomar and noticed that -because of its location close to the sea- there was a cooling breeze.
Best time to go
The event of the year in Barranquilla and the coastal region, taking place every February. Carnival is scheduled for 2024 from Feb. 10-13, but starting Jan. 13, there will be a month of all kinds of events. Check here if you want to know more about the second largest carnival in the world, in Barranquilla.
The disadvantage of a trip around Carnival, is that prices go up and you have to book your hotel far in advance.
In general, Barranquilla is safe, if you stay in the recommended neighborhoods. Places with lots of people like the Malecón del Rio have lots of police and we felt very safe there at night. Also at the #1 nightlife hotspot La Troja, there is always a lot of police presence.
If you are going to Barranquilla, stay in a safe neighborhood such as Riomar, El Prado or Alto Prado. Avoid Centro at night and if you go during the day, preferably don’t go alone and watch your belongings. Avoid the very poor neighborhood of Barranquillito.
Even then, it is important to be careful with phones, apple watches etc and leave your expensive jewelry at home.
Theft from a motorcycle is one of the most common forms of theft in Barranquilla. Because of this, the police strictly monitor 2 men on motorcycles.
Read more about security in Colombia.
How long to stay?
3 days
Then you will have time on Day 1 to get used to the high temperatures of this Caribbean city near your hotel, on the roof terrace of your hotel with pool. Toward evening, you can check out the monuments Ventana al Mundo (see photo) and/or Aleta del Tiburón and then grab a bite to eat at the promenade Malecón del río. On Day 2, you can then catch a cab for a city tour of El Prado and a visit to the Carnival Museum. Afterwards, slide into the iconic hotel El Prado, for a bite to eat and a drink. On Day 3, shop at one of the many malls. Or take the cab and mototaxi to Bocas de Ceniza, where you can walk to the point where the sea meets the river. If you still have energy left after that, visit one of the salsa clubs, for an evening of partying with the Costeños, e.g. at la Troja.
1 week or longer
During 1 week in Barranquilla, you can take a multi-day trip to National Park Tayrona. There is a wide choice of hotels in and (just) outside the park. This way you can enjoy some nature during your city trip to Barranquilla. Another possibility is to extend your city trip with a visit to Cartagena. (2.30h by bus)
Practical info A-Z
- Airy clothes and shoes
- Set of mesh clothes for dining out
- Sunscreen
- Anti-mosquito/insect spray
- Parapulu or rain jacket if traveling in rainy season
You will find ATMs in malls and in larger drugstores where you can safely withdraw cash. Make sure the transaction is complete before you leave the ATM.
Tip: We experienced one time that it did not work to withdraw money. When we changed the language from English to Spanish it worked!
No yellow fever or other vaccinations are required for Barranquilla
The wifi is generally good. The larger malls also have “we work” zones for digital nomads.
The supermarkets we encountered everywhere were Ara and D1. You can also find Jumbo and Carulla. At the latter you will find more imported, more expensive products. At the department store Exito, there is a large food and beverage department.
Drinking water
The water from the tap is not drinkable unless the hotel or hostel has a filtration system.
Barranquilla itself has no beaches; the nearest is in Puerto Colombia, just under 20km away. It used to be Puerto Colombia an important port city. It is also the city where the first immigrants used to set foot ashore. At sunset, it is a hot spot with the locals, who stroll on the long pier and enjoy the -wholly renovated- central square, filled with statues depicting the former immigrants. Hotel Pradomar is a favorite hangout for a beach day. Puerto Colombia combines well with a visit to Salgar, whose most famous attraction is El Castillo de Salgar.